Software developer
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Mikola Parfenyuck

Place of residence: Rivne, Ukraine

Year of birth: 1997

Current job: Livegistics - Senior Software Developer.


Experienced in designing web-based applications, server-side technologies, and neural networks. Recognized expertise in Unix, databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL), UX/UI, and responsive web design. Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science with a strong technical background in React, TypeScript, Python, and Node.js. Highly skilled in automation and keeping code clean.


Front-end: TypeScript, React, Next.js, Mobx, Redux, Material UI, Styled Components

Back-end: Node.js, Python, Express, TSOA, Swagger, Prisma, Kubernetes, Firestore, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis

Other: Unix, neural networks, data science, GIS, UX/UI, responsive web design, English (C2 by EFSET)


Livegistics - (Sep 2021 - present) Senior Software Developer, responsible for developing web applications, architecture, and infrastructure of web services. Tech stack: TypeScript, React, React Native, Redux, Mobx, Material UI, Express.js, TSOA, Swagger, Prisma, Kubernetes, Firestore, PostgreSQL, Redis.

EOS Data Analytics - (Jul 2020 - Aug 2023) Software Developer and Scientist. Research and development in the area of Computer Vision. Tech stack: Python, PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, QGIS, React, TypeScript, MongoDB.

Ultimatefintech - (Mar 2019 - Jan 2021) Lead Front-end Developer, responsible for leading the development of several projects, including Virtual Vision and iFX EXPO International 2020. Tech stack: TypeScript, React, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Mobx.

Freelance - (Dec 2015 - Sep 2021) Software development of various web projects. Tech stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.


Open source projects


Livegistics logo

Livegistics LTS web and mobile applications

Architecture and development of a web platform. There are numerous applications in this ecosystem, and I had a chance to work on every part of this ecosystem. From implementing new features and user interface on mobile and web applications to infrastructure setup with Ansible and Kubernetes. My main focus for the last few months was the database schema and API layer.
Used: React, TypeScript, Material UI, Redux, React Native, Mobx, PostgreSQL, Firestore, Prisma, TSOA, Swagger, Jest, Kubernetes, Ansible, Grafana. Visit website

Stand For Ukraine website

Stand For Ukraine website

Architecture and development of a website.
Used: Next.js, React, TypeScript, Styled Components. Visit website

Virtual event platform

Virtual event platform

Architecture and development of a platform for online virtual events (with 3D scenes, chats, video streams, notifications, etc.).
Used: Next.js, React, TypeScript, Mobx (mobx-state-tree), Three.js, React Hook Form.

Virtual Vision landing page

Virtual Vision landing page

Development and optimization for mobile devices.
Used: Next.js, React, TypeScript.

iFX EXPO website

iFX EXPO International 2020 website

Full website redesign and codebase refactoring. Addressed various business challenges, added custom floor plan (interactive map), complex registration, and much more.
Used: Nuxt.js, Vue.js, SCSS.
The website is no longer online. The link was

Personal skills


I like to explore new things and keep up with trends in web design. My passion is geospatial data analysis. I also enjoy creating memes (but that's another story).